Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling

More detailed description of the models available clicking on their name in the main box. Here some references are provided.


MILORD: Long range simulation of transport, dispersion and deposition (radioactive decay or first order chemical reactions are included) of tracers for continuous or accidental releases. Typical simulations cover regional to long-range area scale, from hundreds to thousand kilometres, and time period ranging from one day to months


SPRAY: Simulation of the dispersion of airborne pollutants through the stochastic motion of virtual particles in the turbulent atmospheric flow in complex topography, from the local scale (1 to 5 km) to the mesoscale (100 km).


MicroSPRAY: Simulation of the dispersion of airborne pollutants trough the stochastic motion of virtual particles in the turbulent atmospheric flow in complex topography and presence of obstacles at the microscale (100 m, up to 1 km), for buoyant or non-buoyant release.


RMS and MicroRMS: Simulation of the atmospheric circulation and dispersion of any type of airborne pollutants, passive, buoyant or non-buoyant, in the turbulent atmospheric flow in complex topography and presence of obstacles at all scales, microscale (up to 1 km, MicroRMS), local scale (1-5 km, RMS) and mesoscale (100 km, RMS).


SMART: Simulation of the atmospheric circulation and dispersion of any type of airborne pollutants, passive, buoyant or non-buoyant, in the turbulent atmospheric flow in complex topography; aimed at potential emergency response tool over Italy.