Climate Modelling: from paleoclimate to future scenarios

Virna Meccia

I will start with an overview of my previous work before approaching global modelling. Then, I will illustrate two model applications to climate. The first application regards an effort to improve paleoclimate simulations. One of the main technical problems towards simulating a complete glacial cycle with general circulation models is considering a variable ocean topography and coastlines. During the last deglaciation, the net flux of freshwater into the ocean was particularly intense due to the high rates of ice sheet melting. This process, together with isostatic adjustments led to variations in the bottom topography and the oceanic boundaries. I will present a tool allowing for automatic computation of bathymetry and land-sea mask changes in the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model. The second application regards the impacts of including stochastic physics schemes (SPS) in future climate projections. SPS constitutes a cheaper alternative to grid refinement in which the unresolved subgrid processes are parameterized by introducing a term of randomness into the physical parameterizations. I will present results on how the inclusion of SPS in the atmospheric component of EC-Earth climate model modify the projections on the Arctic sea-ice decline and global temperature.

ISAC Bologna / Online