Summer school 2025 'Severe weather in a changing climate'


The CNR-ISAC summer school, this year co-organised with Università Politecnica delle Marche and Università di Genova, and supported by the "WIND RISK" project, funded by Next Generation EU, will take place at Hotel Orsa Maggiore in Castro Marina, a very nice marine resort close to Lecce, in the south-eastern corner of Italy, from June 30 to July 4, 2025.

The purpose of the Summer School is to provide an intensive and comprehensive review of the current knowledge on some hot topics in severe weather, ranging from observations to predictions. This year the focus will be on subjects of growing interest in the research and operational community, such as atmospheric rivers and downbursts, analysed in a changing climate context. The school is primarily addressed to PhD, Master students in atmospheric sciences and post-doc researchers and operational
forecasters from regional and national meteorological agencies.

Castro Marina (LE), Italy