Atmospheric Rivers from Modeling and Remote Sensing

Special issue banner

This Special Issue aims to improve the current knowledge of atmospheric rivers (ARs) through the publication of groundbreaking papers that focus on innovative and original approaches to that research. From first pioneering studies, the interest of the scientific community progressively grew, as demonstrated by several funded projects on this subject, many field and numerical experiments, and the large number of scientific publications.

HSAF_CDOP-4 - Fourth Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP 4) for the Satellite Applications Facility (SAF) on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H SAF)


The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility for Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H SAF) provides satellite products and user services in support to Operational Hydrology, Meteorology, Risk Management and Water Management. H SAF aims at consolidating the existing operational products and at the development of new products to fully exploit primary EUMETSAT missions. During the fourth Continuous Development and Operations Phase (CDOP-4, foreseen in the 2022-2027 time frame), products for the estimation of precipitation, soil moisture, and snow parameters will be primarily based on the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) and the EUMETSAT Polar System - Second Generation (EPS-SG) missions, pursuing and complying the related EUMETSAT strategy. H SAF aims at bridging science and research into development and operations through the dissemination of day-1 products developed during the previous phase (CDOP3), and new day-2 products that will take advantage of the new sensors’ capabilities (e.g ., the better spatial and spectral resolution).  Dedicated services like the “Quality Monitoring and Assessment” and the “Hydrological Validation” will be focused on the assessment of the accuracy of the products and the evaluation of the benefits they bring to the hydrological community. In the CDOP 4 there will be the introduction of a new services dedicated to Product Usage and User outreach, responsible for providing open source tools and facilities to foster and strengthen the use of H SAF products for hydrological applications, to actively collaborate with international projects and programs, operating in the field of hydrology and meteorology, and to develop specialized training programs for the needs of different user communities. 

Funding institution
date inizio fine
2022-03-01 - 2027-02-28

AI-FIRE - AI against WildFIRE


Il progetto AI-FIRE nasce per sviluppare tecnologie per il monitoraggio e la tutela del patrimonio boschivo, con l'intento di far fronte a incendi che riguarda il patrimonio boschivo di pertinenza comunale. L'ambito territoriale riguarda i comuni di Bianchi. Mormanno e Aprigliano situati  sia nella zona presilana della Sila Greca che a ridosso del Parco Nazionale del Pollino. I comuni citati hanno espresso il fabbisogno di allertamento precoce per incendi previsto nella misura di Living Lab promosso nell'ambito del POR 2014-2020.L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di progettare, realizzare, sperimentare e validare un sistema integrato (hardware e software) per la produzione di mappe di rischio e allertamento preventivo degli organi preposti al controllo.
Questo può aiutare non solo ad individuare più capillarmente zone ad alto rischio immediato, ma fornire informazioni utili anche ad una pianificazione degli interventi risolutivi che limitino il danno a persone e beni ambientali.

Funding institution
Regione Calabria
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2021-11-04 - 2023-05-03
istituz coord

INDA_AM-ATMO-Indagini ambientali Matrice Atmosferica - Identificazione venti prevalenti e ricaduta inquinanti


Lo scopo dell'attività di consulenza è fornire uno studio previsionale delle emissioni, basato su venti prevalenti, computando le concentrazioni degli inquinanti al suolo sui recettori individuabili nelle aree circostanti il sito industriale compresa la limitrofa "Area natura 2000- Dune dell'Angitola" ed i punti di massima ricaduta stimati in relazione alle emissioni convogliate esistenti considerando la massima capacità autorizzata delle sorgenti emissive dell'impianto previste dal "piano di monitoraggio e controllo". I monitoraggi atmosferici servirano ad identificare le direzioni prevalenti della circolazione e la ricostruzione microclimatica, attività propedeutica alla ricostruzione della ricaduta delel concentrazioni di inquinabnti ricadenti al suolo.L'indagine prevederà il monitoraggio atmosferico e i suoi risultati.

Funding institution
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2022-05-24 - 2022-06-30

JPI 2019 - ROADMAP-The role of ocean dynamics and ocean-atmosphere interactions in driving climate variations and future projections of impact-relevant extreme events


Aim of the project is to strengthen our understanding of climate variability and extremes resulting from the interactions with the oceans, and how they are affected by climate change on a range of time scales.More specifically, the project will provide an improved science based foundation of the impact of the North Atlantic Ocean on the variability of the jet stream, the North Atlantic storm track, tropical and extra-tropical cyclones and blocking events as well as associated weather and climate extremes, including their response to climate change. The project will also assess larger-scale oceanic and atmospheric anomalies that can give rise to local extreme weather conditions (surface air temperature, precipitation and wind speed). The project will thus lead to a better understanding of regional climate variability and change, as well as to more reliable predictions of regional weather and climate extremes, including statements about the frequency of occurrence of extra-tropical cyclones.

Funding institution
Ministero dell'Universita e della Ricerca (MUR)
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2020-06-01 - 2023-05-31
istituz coord
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici