C-band Doppler Radars and Ground Sensors

The infrastructure here presented, composed of Two C-band Doppler Radars in Torchiarolo and Mesagne, by ground sensors (three MW Disdrometers and six microbarographs) to be installed at Brindisi aiport and the surrounding area, has been acquired in the frame of PO FESR 2007-20013 of Apilia Region, Avviso Pubblico n 92 of January 31st 2008. The Project RIVONA (Risks for flight and airport Nowcasting) won the contest. Also two more CNR Institutes, ISSIA, The Institute for intelliigent systems and automation in Bari and IRSA, The Institute for research on water, Bari division are partners of the Project. Therefore the infrastructure is part of “Reti di laboratori della regione Puglia”. The ARC-C250 P Doppler and Polarimtric, one in Torchiarolo and the other next to be installed in Mesagne, operate at C band (5.5 GHz). During field experiments also the ISAC cloud Radar Ka band will operate in conjunction with the two fixed radars. Three X-band disdrometers and six microbarographs will operate in network under coverage of the main radars.
