Stefania Argentini

Research Activity

Thirty years of research experience in the field of atmospheric  boundary layer, micrometeorology and  acoustic remote sensing. Worked at atmospheric boundary layer parameterization and to studies low level circulation in Antarctic, Arctic and at mid-latitudes  in the frame of different scientific programs as co-investigator or principal investigator.  Now my activity is focusing on urban areas with special focus  on the Urban Heat Island and heat waves.

PEER REVIEW Paper  June  2020

  1. Petenko I., G. Casasanta, S. Bucci, M. Kallistratova, R. Sozzi  and S. Argentini. Turbulence, Low-Level Jets, and Waves in the Tyrrhenian Coastal Zone as Shown by Sodar. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 28; doi:10.3390/atmos11010028.

  2. Sozzi R., G. Casasanta, V. Ciardini, S. Finardi, I. Petenko, A. Cecilia  and S. Argentini. Surface and Aerodynamic Parameters Estimation for Urban and Rural Areas. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 147; doi:10.3390/atmos11020147.

  3. Cheng Yu; Qi Li,  S. Argentini and P. Gentine.  A model for Turbulence Spectra in the Equilibrium Range of the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer. J. Geophy. Research Atmospheres.

  4. Scarchilli C. , V. Ciardini, P. Grigioni, A. Iaccarino, L. De Silvestri, M. Proposito, S. Dolci,  G. Camporeale, L. Baldini, N. Roberto, A. Bracci, S. Argentini, M. Frezzotti. Quantification of snowfall estimated by in-situ and ground-based remote sensing observations in Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land - Antarctica, Victoria Land – Antarctica.  Accepted, in press on  Journal of Glaciology.

  5. Cheng Yu, Qi Li,  Andrey Grachev,  Stefania Argentini,  Harindra J.S. Fernando,  Pierre Gentine. Power-law Scaling of Turbulence Cospectra for the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Accepted, in press on  Boundary Layer Meteorology.