Dr. Andrea Alessandri is senior scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate (ISAC) of the National Research Council (CNR). He is Co-leader of Spoke Earth and Climate of the National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC; https://www.supercomputing-icsc.it/en/) and Responsible/Principal Investigator of the contribution to the EU Horizon Europe project OptimESM (Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Change; https://optimesm-he.eu; [2023-2027]). He joined CNR-ISAC on April 2020 after working at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and including a secondment period at European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for his MSCA individual grant PROCEED (https://www.knmiprojects.nl/projects/proceed). Previously also affiliated with Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) Energy & Environment Modeling Unit (Climate & Impact Modeling Lab) and Grantee of a Marie Curie Outgoing Fellowship at the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC), University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI, USA.
Summary of experience and research interests
Broad and documented experience in modeling the Earth System, in prediction/predictability studies and in studying/quantifying climate change using observations and numerical simulations. He has been significantly contributing to process-based seamless development of ESMs that are used across scales for predictions and climate-change projections by profitably exploiting the unprecedented observations to constrain model complexity towards next generation of ESMs. In the following a list of Main Research Interests: Study and modelling of the land surface and of the land-climate interactions and feedbacks; Progresses towards the development of seamless Earth system models and predictions; Exploit Earth observations to constrain land model complexity toward next generation of Earth system models; Study of the interactions and feedbacks between climate and hydrological processes and of the modulation by the Earth’s biosphere; Land carbon cycle modelling in “State of the Art” Earth System Models; Exploit Big Data and emerging Artificial Intelligence technologies for modelling Earth system and towards end-user applications; Development of climate predictions and maximization of performance and value to end-users; Study of the seasonal-to-decadal predictability of climate anomalies using ensemble forecasting systems based on CGCMs; Initialization/assimilation and modeling of the coupled ocean-atmosphere processes; Coupling techniques between atmospheric GCMs and other components of the climate system.
Ongoing International roles and memberships:
- Chair of the Land and Vegetation Working Group in the EC-Earth consortium for the development of the European Earth System Model based on the ECMWF seasonal forecasting system (https://ec-earth.org); Member of the EC-Earth Task Team for the preparation and coordination of the contribution to CMIP7.
- Main Convener of the session: Challenges in climate prediction: multiple time-scales and the Earth system dimensions; EGU General Assembly (since 2019) Link [2024 edition]: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/session/49410
- Member of the Climate Change Working Group established as part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO CC-WG).
- Member of the APEC Climate Center (APCC) Advisory Group
- Affiliate member of WCRP EPESC Lighthouse Activity.
- WCRP Lighthouse Activity on Safe Landing Climates: affiliate member of Working Groups on Water Resources, Understanding High-Risk Events and Safe Landing Pathways.