Destination Earth Climate Adaptation Twin is one of Digital Twin by European Commission funded via ECMWF and has successfully reached the end of the first phase, ending in April 2024. The same consortium is asked to take part to an amendement of the same contract, aiming at providing km-scale global climate simulation at an pre-operation to operational level. This will be done using the two Lumi and MN5 EUROHPC and will be based on three different Global climate models, which will be run into a complex workflow taking care of tools for real time model evaluation and monitoring, uncertaintiy quantification and a series of downstream impact models. The entire set of data will be available in streaming mode to the climate community and will represent a novel and innovative way to approach the climate adapation problems.
Funding institution
Commissione Europea tramite European Centre For Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2024-05-01 - 2026-04-30
istituz coord
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd