I am a climatologist with a physics background, at CNR-ISAC since 2017. My scientific interest is mainly devoted to the extratropical climate variability, with a special eye on the ability of Global Climate Models in reproducing spatial and temporal modes of variability (as atmospheric blocking or the North Atlantic Oscillation) and their related climate extremes. I participate in the development of the EC-Earth Earth System Model and I have been the CNR responsible for the EC-Earth CMIP6 integrations that will be part of the next IPCC report. Since 2022, I am involved in the Destination Earth initiative coordinating the model evaluation working package in the Climate Adaptation Digital Twin.
Current interests involve:
- Mid-latitude climate variability, atmospheric blocking and extreme events.
- Global climate model development, tuning and evaluation.
- The role of surface drag in shaping the North Atlantic jet streams.
- Northern Hemisphere teleconnections (e.g. NAO, AMV, stratosphere-troposphere coupling) and their representation in climate models.
- Snowboard and traveling aren't that bad, either.
- An outreach project for the Italian audience, noncivuoleunascienza: funny drawings to explain science concepts!
If you don't have anything else to do, have a look at my Google Scholar profile and my Github account.
- Jun 2023: Our PRIN2022 EPOCHAL to explore with low resolution climate model the Eocene and other paleoclimate has been funded!
- Oct 2022: We are part of the Destination Earth Climate Adaptation Digital Twin!
- May 2022: The role of orographic parametrizations in shaping mid-latitude climate is larger than we expected! A new WCD paper just showed it!
- Oct 2021: Have you ever thought about the influence that climate variability might had on plants reproduction, also from an evolutionary perspective? A new amazing paper is out!
- May 2021: How much the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns impacted the climate? Our paper on GRL is here!
- Feb 2021: The official EC-Earth3 paper is now on GMD here for discussion!
- Jan 2021: Our new work on seasonal predicton of atmospheric blocking in the ECMWF seasonal forecast is out here on QJRMS!
- Aug 2020: Our new paper on atmospheric blocking in CMIP6 models is out here on Journal of Climate!
- Mar 2020: A scientific exercise to forecast the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak is online here.
- Nov 2019: All CMIP6 simulations are completed and published on the esgf-cnr.hpc.cineca.it archive.