Agenda 2030 delle Bambine e dei Bambini su Radioimmaginaria

Ogni anno, come da ormai 15 anni, l’ultimo venerdì di settembre scocca l’ora della Notte Europea dei Ricercatori e delle Ricercatrici. L’evento, targato SOCIETY riPENSAci (“Un invito a ripensare ciò che sappiamo, per affrontare i cambiamenti epocali che stanno avvenendo, ma anche ripensare alle conseguenze delle azioni dell’uomo sulla società, sull’economia e sull’ambiente”), si è svolto a Bologna venerdì 29 settembre, in piazza Lucio Dalla.



Destination Earth Climate Adaptation Twin is one of Digital Twin by European Commission funded via ECMWF and has successfully reached the end of the first phase, ending in April 2024. The same consortium is asked to take part to an amendement of the same contract, aiming at providing km-scale global climate simulation at an pre-operation to operational level. This will be done using the two Lumi and MN5 EUROHPC and will be based on three different Global climate models, which will be run into a complex workflow taking care of tools for real time model evaluation and monitoring, uncertaintiy quantification and a series of downstream impact models. The entire set of data will be available in streaming mode to the climate community and will represent a novel and innovative way to approach the climate adapation problems.

Funding institution
Commissione Europea tramite European Centre For Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2024-05-01 - 2026-04-30
istituz coord
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd

P20229KW2R_PE8_ PRIN2022PNRR- SEAPLANE - SimulatIon and modElling of interfAce fluxes in wind-wave flows for an imProved cLimAte scieNcE


The interactions of a turbulent wind with a water surface represents a very fundamental problem for many atmospheric processes.
The momentum and heat exchanges across the interface with oceans abruptly affects the atmosphere and the understanding of the driving mechanisms would certainly improve weather predictions capabilities. However, after decades of research efforts, the wind-wave problem is still recognized as extremely elusive. The reason is the multiscale and multiphysical nature of the phenomena involved. Indeed, the scales of the turbulent wind are significantly affected by the smaller scales of the water waves which in turn are influenced by the structure of the turbulent wind itself thus forming a complex multiscale coupling phenomenon. Furthermore,
processes of different nature are involved (e.g chemistry, biology, radiation etc) thus further increasing the complexity of the multiscale wind-wave interactions due to multiphysics. The SEAPLANE project aims to address these issues by using innovative statistical tools and advanced modeling approaches.

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
istituz coord
Università degli Studi di MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

P2022885CN_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR-TRANSLATE - climaTe Risk informAtion from eNSembLe weAther and climaTe prEdictions


Hydrological extremes are strongly impacted by climate change and represent one of the most relevant and hard-to-predict hazards over the Italian territory. The evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptation actions for water-related hazards requires actionable information about climate change and future hazards. Current methodologies based on multi-model downscaled climate projections are challenged by high uncertainty and large model bias. To deal with such uncertainty, event-based storylines have been proposed as a complementary approach that is much more tailored around stakeholders' needs. The storylines describe plausible unfolding of extreme events, based on realistic simulations and an end-to-end description linking physical drivers to regional impacts. In this direction, recently developed weather and climate predictions provide unprecedented high-resolution large-ensemble numerical simulations to develop large catalogues of extreme events that can complement the short observational series and support storylines via the identification of unseen weather extremes.

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
istituz coord
Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

P2022X5MBJ_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR - Hail Hazard in the Mediterranean (H2Med)

P2022X5MBJ_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR - H2Med

How does climate change impact extreme events and which is the future change of their dynamics? In other words: How will the ongoing and future changing climate control the evolution and intensification of severe storms? These are among the most frequent and significant questions for the scientific community, stakeholders and decision-making structures. The project tackles these open issues by investigating hailstorms in the Mediterranean region, which is one of the most hail-exposed areas of the Earth, through the
synergistic application of satellite observations, meteorological reanalysis and climatic modelling. Focussing on determining the atmospheric variables most relevant for the formation and intensification of hail-bearing storms, we will delineate specific metrics describing the hail formation potentially applicable at operational level. The proposal stems from the 22-yearlong database of hail episodes described by Laviola et al. (2022), whereby events associated with large and extreme hail (above 2 and 10 cm in diameter, respectively) were preliminarily identified and shown to be on a 30% increase trend.

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

P202227R77_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR - Instability processes of coastal rocky cliffs and associated retreat trends in relation to the evolution of extreme meteo-marine events: an advanced methodological approach

P202227R77_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR

Nowadays, effective procedures for the assessment of the stability conditions of rock cliffs and the associated retreat rates is of increasing relevance for the institutions devoted to land management. These phenomena result from a complex interaction between the meteo-marine controlling factors and the geo-structural and geo-mechanical conditions of the rock mass, so that the phenomenological and qualitative approaches, used in the past to deal with this problem, have resulted to be ineffective and inadequate. This research project is aimed at developing a multi-scale quantitative methodology to deal with the prediction of rock cliff retreat phenomena, with the following objectives:
1) large-scale assessment of the retreat rates of rock cliff coastlines highly susceptible to instability phenomena by means of advanced geomorphological techniques and detection of the main driving factors at regional scale;
2) analysis of the sea-air-cliff interaction processes, focusing specifically on the assessment of the extreme wave events and important environmental factors acting on the rock cliffs, as the sea spray;
3) development of a slope-scale methodological procedure for the integration

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Piernicola LOLLINO
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
istituz coord
Università degli Studi di BARI ALDO MORO
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

P20228LMA2_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR - NEW-ARGENT - Improvement of NumErical Weather prediction through data Assimilation of Real-time GNSS-Estimated Non-isotropic Troposphere


The goal of the NEW-ARGENT (NumErical Weather prediction improvement through the Assimilation of Real-time Gnss Estimated Non-isotropic Troposphere, all acronyms are in section B1.4) project is to improve the short-term (from 30 minutes to 12 h) prediction of convective and severe weather events over Italy through the GNSS (GPS, Galileo, Glonass and Beidou) tropospheric delays assimilation and to design an overall procedure and raise it at a pre-operational stage.
NEW-ARGENT finds its motivation in the following considerations.
It is well known since some decades ago that GNSS can supply information about the water vapor content in the troposphere, and this result is routinely got in high-precision GNSS data processing for geodetic and geophysical monitoring purposes in order to mitigate as much as possible the effect of the troposphere onto the positions of points on the Earth surface. Also, it has already been prediction. Anyway, the adopted models and procedures are oriented to get the best positions, generally on a daily basis, and not the best estimates of the water vapor content in the troposphere to routinely improve weather predictions.

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU

P2022A3MFC_PE10_ PRIN2022PNRR - Future DROughts and ARidification in the MEDiterranean region and ecological impacts (DROMEDAR)


Climate models project an overall aridification of the Mediterranean environment at the end of the 21st century, mostly linked to the expansion of the subtropical edge of the Hadley circulation. During the transition towards a subtropicalised mean climate state, the characteristics of extreme events will change. Prolonged droughts (months-to-years), such as the one observed in 2022 over Italy and Europe, are expected to become more frequent (5 to 10 times more than recent past) and severe at the end of the 21st century.
Previous studies on future Mediterranean climate mostly focused on long-term mean changes. Furthermore, past analyses of Mediterranean droughts and extremes have been limited by availability of sufficient observational and model datasets to perform rigorous detection and attribution analysis. Instead, DROMEDAR will rely on large ensembles, a definitive tool for the study of extreme events, because they allow us to explore climate signals beyond the influence of the internal variability.

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU