The protection of cultural heritage and landscape is a priority at National and International level with important economic, social and cultural consequences. To understand and thus prevent risky situations and the related damaging processes, a depth understanding of heritage materials characteristics and of their interactions with environmental forcings is necessary. This research theme focuses on the study of the physical, chemical and biological deterioration mechanisms that deal with the interaction between the Environment and Cultural Heritage, both indoors and outdoors.
The objective is the damage assessment of built heritage and cultural landscape caused by the impact of pollution, carelessness, microclimate, climate change, extreme climate events at diverse spatial and temporal scales. The research activities aim to provide outputs and tools for the safeguarding and managing of Cultural Heritage at risk when exposed to natural, environmental and anthropogenic hazards.
The methodologies employed include experimental research (tests and measurement campaigns in laboratory and in field) and technological innovation through the development and performance evaluation of new methods and models for impact assessment and damage quantification. Scientific knowledge and technological innovation are addressed to provide user friendly tools for stakeholders in the field of protection, preventive conservation and management of cultural heritage at risk.