C3S_511-COPERNICUS-WP 4, Quality Assessment of ECV products ECMWF C3S_511 -SERVICE CONTRACT ECMWF/COPERNICUS/2017/C3S_511_CNR/SC1


C3S_511 Project provides a service that delivers robust and sustained Quality Assessments of all observational and reanalysis-based Essential Climate Variable products available via the Copernicus Climate Service Climate Data Store. C3S_511 service addresses all the tender needs, considering all prioritized ECVs coming from observations and reanalyses in all GCOS components (Atmosphere, Ocean, Land) within the planned service duration.
C3S_511 will address the wide-ranging technical and scientific requirements set out in the ECWF ITT by: (1) working adaptively to ensure continuity with functional outcomes of the CDS, (2) providing scientific evaluation employing state-of-the-art data analysis methodologies of a multi-thematic CDS, including comparisons with existing independent data, and (3) providing routine reappraisal of C3S CDRs.
C3S_511 squares the circle by providing robustly derived assessments of observational and reanalysis product quality in a manner that is interoperable with model based assessments to support effective use of the CDS. Our solution will unify approaches, procedures and outputs between observational and model quality assessments carried out in C3S.

Funding institution
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Rosalia Santoleri
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2017-07-01 - 2021-09-01
istituz coord