Development of models for risk assessment in complex scenarios (historic centres, archaeological sites and terraced landscapes) exposed to multiple hazards due to climate change.
Risk mapping for landscape extreme weather conditions at short, medium and long terms.
Risk mapping for cultural heritage, air pollution and weather conditions in affected areas based on legislation thresholds (i.e. emergency response).
Research Projects
ProteCHt2save "Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment", Interreg Central Europe, 2017-20
STRENCH "STRENgthening resilience of Cultural Heritage at risk in a changing environment through proactive transnational cooperation", Interreg Central Europe, 2020-22
SAFEGUARDING CH "Safeguarding cultural heritage from natural and man-made disasters", EC DG-EAC, 2016-17
SMoRI "Smart Monitoring per il controllo di bacini ad elevato rischio idrogeologico", POR Regione Calabria 2014-20, 2017-2020
VEROCOST "Valutazione dell'impatto Economico dell'eROsione COSTiera", POR Regione Calabria 2014-20, 2017-2020
SIGIEC "Sistema di Gestione Integrata per l'Erosione Costiera", PON 207-13, 2012-2015