Modelling and experimental activities for the implementation of tools (damage functions, vulnerability indicators, risk maps) for the protection of movable/immovable Cultural Heritage, indoors and outdoors.
Development of non-invasive methodologies and technologies for diagnosis and assessment of anthropic impact (e.g. energy consumption, waste, mobility, urbanization) on movable and immovable cultural heritage.
Mineralogic-petrographical characterization and damage evaluation of heritage materials exposed to pollution, microclimate and climate change.
Aerobiology: vegetational variation of the airborne biological component in relation to environmental factors and climate changes.
Research Project:
TECTONIC "TEchnological Consortium TO develop sustaiNabIlity of underwater Cultural heritage", EC Horizon 2020, 2020-22
EMERISDA "Effectiveness of Methods against Rising Damp in Buildings", EC JPI-CH, 2014-17
SYDDARTA "SYstem for Digitization and Diagnosis in ART Applications", EC FP7, 2011-14
TeACH "Technologies and Tools to prioritize assessment and diagnosis of air pollution impact on immovable and movable Cultural Heritage", EC FP7, 2008-11
CLIMATE FOR CULTURE "Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change" EC FP7, 2009-14
Noah's Ark "Global Climate Change Impact on Built Heritage and Cultural Landscapes", EC FP6, 2004-07
"Atmospheric pollution impact on Moroccan architectural cultural heritage", Bilateral Project CNR-CNRST (Marocco), 2014-15
SIMONA "SIstemi e tecnologie per il MONitoraggio di Aree culturali in ambiente subacqueo e terrestre", POR CALABRIA FESR 2007/13 , 2014-15
NanoProTeCH "PROtection TEchnology for Cultural Heritage", POR CALABRIA FESR 2007/13, 2014-15