The aim of this research theme is to translate transfer scientific findings into inputs for policy, management and decision making process feedbacks for local authorities and decision-makers. Activities include the air quality assessment in both the outdoor environment (urban and public green management, rural, and remote areas, including polar areas) and the indoor environment (confined/closed spaces and working places). The air quality assessment is also carried out at industrial and anthropogenic sites, with focus on atmospheric emissions (including fugitive emissions), volcanic ash, bio-aerosol (indoor air quality assessment in working and living places). The creation of High-quality and reference datasets is undertaken to specifically support toxicological and epidemiological studies.
Further, support is provided to develop, tools, recommendations and guidelines energy efficiency in historical buildings and for air quality addressed to public health, land management (urban and remote, including coastal areas) and protection of cultural heritage focusing, and specifically on aerosol components, (such as Particulate matter task and organic carbon, soluble fractions) and bioaerosol).
In addition a major objective concerns the development of measures and strategies for the resilience strengthening of cultural heritage and landscape at risk from natural and man-made disasters addressed to the different phases of the risk disaster management and reduction cycle (preparedness/emergency/recovery).
Finally, an active participation in standardisation bodies (CEN, UNI, UNICHIM) is ensured in sectors ranging from air pollution, to risk management, to working environments.