Atmospheric model

De Biasio, F., & Zecchetto, S. (2018). Improving wind forcing with scatterometer observations for operational storm surge forecasting in the Adriatic Sea. In International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).
Biscarini, M., Milani, L., Montopoli, M., Sanctis, K. D., Di Fabio, S., Magde, K. M., et al. (2019). Statistical characterization of slant-path atmospheric channels exploiting microwave Sun-tracking radiometer. In 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019. Retrieved from
Laussac, S., Piazzola, J., Tedeschi, G., Yohia, C., Canepa, E., Rizza, U., & Van Eijk, A. M. J. (2018). Development of a fetch dependent sea-spray source function using aerosol concentration measurements in the North-Western Mediterranean. Atmospheric Environment.
Ricchi, A., Miglietta, M. M., Falco, P. P., Benetazzo, A., Bonaldo, D., Bergamasco, A., et al. (2016). On the use of a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model during an extreme cold air outbreak over the Adriatic Sea. Atmospheric Research.