L. Milani

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Skofronick-Jackson, G., Kulie, M., Milani, L., Munchak, S. J., Wood, N. B., & Levizzani, V. (2019). Satellite estimation of falling snow: A global precipitation measurement (GPM) core observatory perspective. Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology. http://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0124.1
Rysman, J. -F., Panegrossi, G., Sanò, P., Marra, A. C., Dietrich, S., Milani, L., & Kulie, M. S. (2018). SLALOM: An all-surface snow water path retrieval algorithm for the GPM microwave imager. Remote Sensing. http://doi.org/10.3390/rs10081278
Milani, L., Kulie, M. S., Casella, D., Dietrich, S., Ecuyer, T. S. L., Panegrossi, G., et al. (2018). CloudSat snowfall estimates over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: An assessment of independent retrieval methodologies and multi-year snowfall analysis. Atmospheric Research. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.05.015
Kulie, M. S., & Milani, L. (2018). Seasonal variability of shallow cumuliform snowfall: A CloudSat perspective. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society. http://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3222
Sanò, P., Panegrossi, G., Casella, D., Di Paola, F., Milani, L., Mugnai, A., et al. (2015). The passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) algorithm for AMSU/MHS observations: Description and application to European case studies. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. http://doi.org/10.5194/amt-8-837-2015