Francesca Barnaba graduated in Physics with full marks in 1999 at the Physics Department of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. In 2003 received her PhD in ‘Remote Sensing’ from the Engineering Department of the same university. Since 2009 she is Researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the National Research Council (CNR). Previous research experience includes temporary position contracts with different national (ENEA; Physics-Department of University of Salento) and international institutions (UK-Met-Office; EC-Joint Research Centre). Main research interests are the characterization of aerosol properties through ground and space-based, active and passive remote sensing techniques, as well as with in situ instrumentation and the coupling of multi-platform, multi-sensor aerosol observations with numerical models to investigate aerosol processes from the local to the regional scale and aerosol impacts on climate and air quality. She participated into over 30 national and international projects on these topics (funding agencies/institutions: MUR, ASI, UK-Met Office, UK-NERC, EC, EUMETSAT). She has been recently member of the Management Committee and of the Core Group of the ‘InDust’ Action funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). She is Principal Investigator of the Rome-Tor Vergata AERONET sunphotometer, and Scientific Coordinator of the Italian Automated Lidar-Ceilometer-Network (ALICENET), the ISAC-CNR coordinated Italian branch of the EUMETNET E-PROFILE program. She received the Italian qualification for Associate Professor (‘Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, ASN)’ for the scientific sectors ‘Geophysics’ (04/A4) and ‘Astronomy, Astrophysics, Earth and Planetary Physics’ (02/C1). She authored over 60 peer-reviewed papers (H-index = 31, She has been Convener and Program Chair in several national and international scientific conferences. She regularly acts as reviewer for over 20 international journals as well as for national and international institutions (MUR, European Commission) and is currently Associate Editor of ‘Remote Sensing’ (MDPI). Since 2018 she is co-coordinator of the CNR-ISAC branch ‘Atmospheric composition, climate forcing and air quality’ (CAFCA) and CNR-representative for the Mirror Copernicus Space Economy activities on Air Quality.