- Understanding the mechanisms and their feedbacks responsible for precipitation and temperature extremes in a changing climate, through a synergistic use of models and observations
- Identification of the atmospheric conditions causing severe convection conducive to extreme hydro-meteorological events
- Improving weather forecasting and future climate projections through the understanding of the relevant processes
- Developing and implementing high-resolution global models and integrated numerical meteo-climatological modelling chains for the prediction, attribution and projection of extreme events; quantification of the uncertainty and its propagation
- Development, optimization, and integration of observational techniques of clouds and precipitation (disdrometers, Doppler and polarimetric radars, lightning detection networks, optical, infrared and microwave satellite sensors) with modeling tools (parameterization, data assimilation) for the analysis of the formation and development processes of precipitating systems
- Assessment of the evolution of extreme events in the past decades/centuries through the analysis of instrumental series of daily temperatures and precipitation
- Historical series reconstruction

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