Fire is an important ecosystem disturbance, having significant socio-economic consequences on the one hand, while fulfilling a vital ecological role on the other. Across fire-prone ecosystems, different fire regimes can be found, reflecting a combination of climatic factors and of different plant species characteristics. Ecosystem flammability and fuel load are the most evident and well-studied aspects of plant interactions with fire regimes. Only recently, has there been a major focus on how other plant traits, and especially fire responses, shape the fire regime. For example, invasive alien species with highly competitive traits, when introduced by humans into novel ranges, can have dramatic impact on the local fire regimes. The aim of this research is to determine the role that plant traits have in driving fire regimes in different ecosystems across the world and for various climates, including also the role played by invasive species.
Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-11-29 - 2025-11-28
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU