2022KZ2AJE_PE10_PRIN2022 - uRban hEat and pollution iSlands inTerAction in Rome and possible miTigation strategies (RESTART)


The Urban Heat Island (UHI) occurs when an urban area is significantly warmer than its rural surroundings due to human activities.UHIs are more frequent and intense in inland metropolitan cities, worsening as the size of the urbanised area increases and where there is less greenery. In recent years, an increase in the UHI intensity is experienced, related to the increasing urbanisation, together with a growth in the intensity, frequency, and duration of heat-waves that is expected to worsen with global warming.Similarly to the UHI, the Urban Pollution island (UPI) identifies the onset of spatial/temporal variations in pollutant concentrations attributable to typical urban features and activities. The UHI-UPI interaction is an important issue not yet fully elucidated, and represents an ongoing challenge to make cities more resilient.RESTART aims at investigating the connection between UHI and UPI, offering a series of urban mitigation strategies including tailored Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), such as green areas and roofs, trees, green walls, and ready-to-use guidelines for the improvement of well-being in urban environments.

Funding institution
MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
contact person ISAC
date inizio fine
2023-09-28 - 2025-09-27
istituz coord
Università degli Studi di ROMA "La Sapienza"
Progetto PNRR Finanziato dall'Unione Europea – Next Generation EU