World Meteorological Day 2019

The Italian Association of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (AISAM), in collaboration with the University of Rome “Sapienza”, the National Research Council and the Italian Air Force, organizes on March 23 in Rome an event to celebrate the 2019 World Meteorological Day occurring every year on the anniversary of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) foundation. More details on the World Meteorological Day can be found here:

The theme assigned by WMO for this year's day is "The Sun, the Earth and the Weather".

The conference will be opened by the presidents of various Italian associations related to meteorology (AISAM, AIAM, SISC, SMI) and by the WMO Italian representative.

The conference will focus on paleoecology, paleoclimatology and anthropogenic impact (for the "Earth" topic), solar variability and sun-earth relations ("Sun") and space weather, solar wind and terrestrial magnetosphere ("Space"). The second part of the morning, which ISAC will be involved in, will be focused on talks dealing with teaching the atmospheric sciences in Italy, space weather and operational meteorology in Italy. The detailed programme can be found here.

The participation to the event is free of charge upon registration on the AISAM website  (

Where and when: Aula Magna Sapienza – Città universitaria – P.zza A. Moro, 5 – Roma, Saturday, March 23rd, from 10:00 to 13:30.