The environmental crises, the issue of inequalities, the challenges of ecological and digital transition are multi- and transdisciplinary topics that are characterised by a high level of complexity and a variety of uncertainties. Furthermore, they are traversed by a multiplicity of perspectives, values, economic and political interests, and the urgency of decisions, which often increase the level of conflict between the various actors involved. All this requires a redefinition of the relationship between science and society Traditionally, this has been conceived in a unidirectional manner, with scientists providing politicians with objective, reliable knowledge in order to facilitate informed decision-making. In this webinar I will examine the post-normal approach, which was formalised by Silvio Funtowicz and Jerome Ravetz in the 1990s. Over the past 30 years, this approach has gathered around it an interdisciplinary community that has inspired public policies and introduced alternative narratives on the use of science, including in European institutions. According to this approach, it is necessary to expand the participation in the debate not only on the solutions to these crises, but also on the definition of the problems that characterise them. This should be achieved by actively involving civil society, politics and the scientific community through extended participatory and citizen science practice.
Environmental scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the National Research Council. Her research activities are focused on the study of air pollution and its impact on human health. The objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and modelling of pollution phenomena, as well as to conduct case studies in the field of environmental epidemiology. Over time, the research has evolved to encompass a broader interest in the relationship between science and society, with particular focus on environmental, communication and gender issues. Author of more than 80 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 30 articles for the general public. Editor of the CNR series 'Scienziati in affanno'. She coordinates the Gender Epidemiology Group of the Italian Epidemiology Association and the interdepartmental working group 'Nature, Research and Society' at the Earth and Environment Division of the National Research Council.
Alba L'Astorina e Cristina Mangia. Scienza, politica e società: l’approccio post-normale in teoria e nelle pratiche. I volume Collana editoriale CNR "Scienziati in affanno" pp 296 ISBN 978-88-8080-277-8