Tools and Strategies for Strengthening Resilience of Cultural Heritage in Climate Change
The online summer school is part of the EU Interreg Central Europe project STRENCH – Strengthening
resilience of cultural heritage at risk in a changing environment through proactive transnational cooperation,
which develops ready to use solutions for assessing climate change effects and protecting cultural heritage
and cultural landscapes.
Week 1 of the summer school introduces the topic of cultural heritage and its protection, featuring one short
lecture per day.
Week 2 is the main part of the summer school, focusing on climate change impact on cultural heritage,
vulnerability assessment methodologies and climate modelling. The participants of the summer school
acquaint themselves with the topic by means of theoretical lectures by international experts as well as
practical exercises, focusing on case study analyses.
28th September to 9th October 2020
> Online, hosted via Zoom
> No course fee
> In English language
> 6 ECTS points may be granted for full participation in the programme
Danube University Krems
Università della Calabria
International Summer School ENVIMAT