Mediterranean region

Miglietta, M. M., & Matsangouras, I. T. (2018). An updated “climatology” of tornadoes and waterspouts in Italy. International Journal Of Climatology.
Conte, M., Merico, E., Cesari, D., Dinoi, A., Grasso, F. M., Donateo, A., et al. (2020). Long-term characterisation of African dust advection in south-eastern Italy: Influence on fine and coarse particle concentrations, size distributions, and carbon content. Atmospheric Research.
Kotsias, G., Lolis, C. J., Hatzianastassiou, N., Levizzani, V., & Bartzokas, A. (2020). On the connection between large-scale atmospheric circulation and winter GPCP precipitation over the Mediterranean region for the period 1980-2017. Atmospheric Research.
Funatsu, B. M., Rysman, J. -F., Claud, C., & Chaboureau, J. -P. (2018). Deep convective clouds distribution over the Mediterranean region from AMSU-B/MHS observations. Atmospheric Research.
Miglietta, M. M., & Rotunno, R. (2019). Development mechanisms for Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones (medicanes). Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society.
Rinaldi, M., Nicosia, A., Santachiara, G., Piazza, M., Paglione, M., Gilardoni, S., et al. (2019). Ground level ice nucleating particles measurements at Capo Granitola, a Mediterranean coastal site. Atmospheric Research.
Rizza, U., Barnaba, F., Miglietta, M., Mangia, C., Di Liberto, L., Dionisi, D., et al. (2017). WRF-Chem model simulations of a dust outbreak over the central Mediterranean and comparison with multi-sensor desert dust observations. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics.
Adirosi, E., Baldini, L., Roberto, N., Gatlin, P., & Tokay, A. (2016). Improvement of vertical profiles of raindrop size distribution from micro rain radar using 2D video disdrometer measurements. Atmospheric Research.
Rizza, U., Barnaba, F., Miglietta, M., Mangia, C., Di Liberto, L., Dionisi, D., et al. (2017). WRF-Chem model simulations of a dust outbreak over the central Mediterranean and comparison with multi-sensor desert dust observations. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics.
Adirosi, E., Baldini, L., Roberto, N., Gatlin, P., & Tokay, A. (2016). Improvement of vertical profiles of raindrop size distribution from micro rain radar using 2D video disdrometer measurements. Atmospheric Research.