Gravity waves

Olla, P. (2018). Mechanical diffusion in grease ice stirred by gravity waves. Fluid Dynamics Research.
Stefanello, M., Cava, D., Giostra, U., Acevedo, O., Degrazia, G., Anfossi, D., & Mortarini, L. (2020). Influence of submeso motions on scalar oscillations and surface energy balance. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society.
La Forgia, G., Tokyay, T., Adduce, C., & Constantinescu, G. (2018). Numerical investigation of breaking internal solitary waves. Physical Review Fluids.
Cava, D., Mortarini, L., Anfossi, D., & Giostra, U. (2019). Interaction of Submeso Motions in the Antarctic Stable Boundary Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology.
Serva, F., Cagnazzo, C., Riccio, A., & Manzini, E. (2018). Impact of a Stochastic Nonorographic Gravity Wave Parameterization on the Stratospheric Dynamics of a General Circulation Model. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems.
Mortarini, L., Cava, D., Giostra, U., Acevedo, O., Martins, L. G. N., de Oliveira, P. E. S., & Anfossi, D. (2018). Observations of submeso motions and intermittent turbulent mixing across a low level jet with a 132-m tower. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society.