Study on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage from Natural and Man-Made Disasters


The Study commissioned by DG EAC has been published by the European Commission: Study on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage from Natural and Man-Made Disasters - A comparative analysis of risk management in the EU (Contract n ° EAC-2016-0248).
Heritage assets and resources are of great value to society from a cultural, environmental, social and economic point of view, and their safeguarding from the continuous pressures of natural hazards, anthropogenic effects and extreme events due to global changes is of paramount importance.
This Study will contribute to the development of good practices on the integration of cultural heritage in the national disasters risk reduction strategies to be developed by EU MS - one of the implementation priorities of the Action Plan on the Sendai Framework

Objectives of the Study
Providing an overview of the information available at EU and international level on risk assessment and prevention to safeguard cultural heritage from the effects of natural disasters and threats caused by human action;

  • Mapping, through surveys and interviews, the existing strategies in all 28 MS for disaster risk management of cultural heritage, with a focus on existing competence centres and tools;
  • Putting forward recommendations on possible measures to improve the risk management of cultural heritage at European level.

Alessandra Bonazza1, Ingval Maxwell, Miloš Drdácký2, Ellizabeth Vintzileou3, Christian Hanus4, Chiara Ciantelli1
, Paola De Nuntiis1, Erato Oikonomopoulou3, Vasiliki Nikolopoulou3, Stanislav Pospíšil2, Cristina Sabbioni1, Peter Strasser4
1National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
2Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
3National Technical University of Athens
4Danube University Krems

ISBN 978-92-79-73945-3
DOI 10.2766/224310
Catalogue Number NC-05-17-059-EN-N
Study available in EU Publications

Funding institution
EC - European Commission