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Nel codice BROADBAND, che simula l'emissione atomsferica infrarossa in banda larga, sono stati introdotti i calcoli dei parametri legati alle nubi per la simulazione delle nubi stesse nelle misure di MIPAS.
I nuovi parametri sono il raggio delle particelle di H2O e ghiaccio, la composizione percentuale in ghiaccio della nube, la particle number density, la posizione in quota e coordinata orbitale della nube.
Tramite l’identificazione degli spicchi di atmosfera nuvolosi, per ogni linea di vista dello strumento che li attraversa vengono calcolati i parametri legati alle nubi.

Per far questo, è stata integrata nel codice del BROADBAND una subroutine che produce i valori delle cross section di scattering ed emissione e dell’integrale di scattering utilizzando la teoria dello scattering di Mie per particelle sferiche.

Per il calcolo dell’integrale di scattering è stato necessario implementare un modello di trasferimento radiativo in atmosfera curva senza rifrazione che permette il calcolo della radiazione per i diversi angoli di incidenza che circondano la nube.
I valori di Cext, Cabs e l’integrale di scattering così ottenuti sono, poi, stati integrati nell’equazione di trasferimento radiativo per cielo sereno già esistente nel codice.

La validazione delle nuove funzionalità del BROADBAND e' stata ottenuta confrontando con i risultati ottenuti con quelli dei codici ARTS e KOPRA per spettri ottenuti con diversi scenari di nube.

si veda anche il poster presentato ad ASSFTS 2009


SAFIRE-A (Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere using Far InfraRed Emission—Airborne) is a high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer that performs limb sounding observations of atmospheric emission in the Far-Infrared spectral region, for the measurement of volume mixing ratio profiles of several stratospheric constituents. The instrument was integrated onboard the high-flying research aircraft M55 Geophysica within the framework of the Airborne Polar Experiment (APE).
SAFIRE-A observes the atmospheric spectrum with high spectral resolution through the farinfrared, where many of the trace gases, playing a major role in atmospheric chemistry, have important emission features. A scientific code for the routine analysis of the middle infrared emission spectra measured by SAFIRE-A (the Retrieval Algorithm for SAFIRE-RAS), was initially developed by Dr B.M.Dinelli. The objective for which SAFIRE-A and RAS were developed is to perform the measurement of the volume mixing ratio profiles of H2O, O3, HNO3, N2O, ClO, HCl and H2O.

SAFIRE-A has been involved in field campaigns carried out with the M-55 Geophysica stratospheric aircraft in 2002-2003, aimed at validating the level-2 products of the ENVISAT chemistry instruments. The limb sounding observations of volume mixing ratio vertical profiles of Ozone and Nitric Acid were especially focused on the validation of MIPAS products in the altitude range 10-20 km. MORE

The SAFIRE-A instrument has been deployed on the M-55 Geophysica high altitude aircraft in several scientific campaigns carried out, between the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2003, at mid-latitudes as well as in the Polar regions (both Arctic and Antarctica). MORE


The IBEX (Infrared Balloon Experiment, Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara”, IFAC-CNR, Firenze, Italy) is a far-infrared Fourier transform spectrometer, which was flown during the first campaign of ESABC from Sicily over the Mediterranean to Spain on 28-29 July 2002. The nstrument launch, scheduled for the 22nd July in coincidence with Geophysika flight and Envisat overpasses, was delayed until the 29th July; no significant overpasses were expected on that day, but the end of launch campaign did not allow any other choice. The launch was made from the Italian Space Agency base (Trapani, Sicily) and ended over Sierra Nevada (Spain) after 20 hours. Float altitude during measurements was in the 37-38 km range.

Data used for the retrieval are those from the on board data recorder. Data processing followed the standard procedure (cleaning from spikes, phase correction, Fourier transform, spectra calibration). Vertical profiles retrieval has been done using the same package used for the SAFIRE-A instrument.

While being made ready for its coming back from Spain to Italy the IBEX instrument went on fire, so these results may be really considered its 'final words' .

Gruppo: Remote Sensing of the Stratosphere
Via P. Gobetti, 101
40129 Bologna
Tel.+39 051 6398002
Luca Magnani