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  MIPAS-ENVISAT limb-sounding measurements:
trade-off study for improvement of horizontal resolution

The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) is a limb-scanning spectrometer that has operated onboard the Environmental Satellite since the end of March 2002. Common features of limb-scanning experiments are both high vertical resolution and poor horizontal resolution. We exploit the two-dimensional geo-fit retrieval approach to investigate the possibility of improving the horizontal resolution of MIPAS measurements. Two different strategies are considered for this purpose, one exploiting the possibility (offered by the geo-fit analysis method) for an arbitrary definition of the retrieval grid, the other based on the possibility of saving measurement time by degrading the spectral resolution of the interferometer. The performances of the two strategies are compared in terms of the trade-off between the attained horizontal resolution and the retrieval precision. We find that for ozone it is possible to improve by a factor of 2 the horizontal resolution, which in the nominal measurement plan is ~530 km. This improvement corresponds to a degradation of the retrieval precision, which on average varies from a factor of 1.4 to 2.5, depending on the adopted spectral resolution. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


  Multi-Target Retrieval (MTR)

In this paper we describe a retrieval approach for the simultaneous determination of the altitude distributions of p, T and VMR of atmospheric constituents from limb scanning measurements of the atmosphere. This analysis method, named Multi-Target Retrieval (MTR), has been designed and implemented in a computer code aimed at the analysis of MIPAS-ENVISAT observations. However, the concepts implemented in MTR have a general validity and can be extended to the analysis of all type of limb-scanning observations. In order to assess performance and advantages of the proposed approach, MTR has been compared with the sequential analysis system implemented by ESA as the level-2 processor for MIPAS measurements. The comparison has been performed on a common set of target species and spectral intervals. The performed tests have shown that MTR produces results of better quality than a sequential retrieval. However, the simultaneous retrieval of p, T and water VMR has not lead to satisfactory results below the tropopause, because of the high correlation occurring between p and water VMR in the troposphere. We have shown that this problem can be fixed extending the MTR analysis to at least one further target whose spectral features decouple the retrieval of pressure and water VMR. Ozone was found to be a suitable target for this purpose. The advantages of the MTR analysis system in terms of systematic errors have also been discussed.



We propose a new approach to the analysis of limb-scanning measurements of the atmosphere that are continually recorded from an orbiting platform. The retrieval is based on the simultaneous analysis of observations taken along the whole orbit. This approach accounts for the horizontal variability of the atmosphere, hence avoiding the errors caused by the assumption of horizontal homogeneity along the line of sight of the observations. A computer program that implements the proposed approach has been designed; its performance is shown with a simulated retrieval analysis based on a satellite experiment planned to fly during 2001. This program has also been used for determining the size and the character of the errors that are associated with the assumption of horizontal homogeneity. A computational strategy that reduces the large number of computer resources apparently demanded by the proposed inversion algorithm is described.


  Assessment of the horizontal resolution of retrieval products derived from MIPAS observations

Assessment of the trade-off between precision and horizontal resolution of the retrieval products of MIPAS operating onboard the ENVIronmental SATellite. By exploiting different observation setups we could perform the study by acting on both the retrieval and the sampling grids. Our results are compared with those previously obtained on simulated observations. We show that the horizontal sampling of the atmosphere operated by the spectrometer cannot be pushed beyond some limits without inducing unacceptable correlations among the retrieved profiles. These correlations
show-up only when using a two-dimensional retrieval algorithm and can be evaluated through the instabilities that they trigger in the horizontal distribution of the retrieval products. In order to reduce these instabilities we compare the strategy of degrading the retrieval grid with the strategy of applying horizontal regularization. We discuss the different trade-off between precision and spatial resolution connected with the two strategies.
The method adopted in this study, is applicable to any orbiting limb sounder measuring along the orbit track.


  MARC retrieval code

A new code is presented that is developed for the retrieval of atmospheric minor constituents from limb sounding observations made in the millimetre and sub-millimetre spectral region. The code is called MARC (Millimetre-wave Atmosphere Retrieval Code) and will be used for the analysis of the observations of the MARSCHALS (Millimetre-wave Airborne Receivers for Spectroscopic CHaracterisation in Atmospheric Limb Sounding) instrument which will fly on the M-55 stratospheric aircraft. The main objective of this analysis will be the assessment of long-wave measurement capabilities for the study of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere region. Key questions will be the quality, in terms of accuracy and spatial resolution, that from these measurements can be retrieved in presence of clouds and horizontal gradients.

The retrieval choices of MARC are critically discussed and are compared with those of a previous code used for the operational analysis of the MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) instrument.

MARC performs a global-fit multi-target retrieval, in which optimal estimation is used for the retrieved parameters and errors of the forward model parameters are considered in the chi-square calculation. In this way it is easy to consider parameters as either forward model parameters or retrieved parameters with minimum impact on the stability of the retrieval. MARC can perform a wide-band analysis of the observations without a selection of the analysed channels and the total error budget of the retrieved parameters is directly provided as a result of the retrieval process. These unique features allow an efficient and optimal exploitation of the information content of the observations. The forward model can account for horizontal gradients and cloud contamination.First results of some significant tests are presented.


  Technical Note: Measurement of the tropical UTLS composition in presence of clouds using millimetre-wave heterodyne spectroscopy

The MARSCHALS (Millimetre-wave Airborne Receiver for Spectroscopic CHaracterisation of Atmospheric Limb-Sounding) project has the general objectives of demonstrating the measurement capabilities of a limb viewing instrument working in the millimetre and sub-millimetre spectral regions (from 294 to 349 GHz) for the study of the Upper Troposphere – Lower Stratosphere (UTLS). MARSCHALS has flown on board the M-55 stratospheric aircraft (Geophysica) in two measurements campaigns. Here we report the results of the analysis of MARSCHALS measurements during the SCOUT-O3 campaign held in Darwin (Australia) in December 2005 obtained with MARC (Millimetrewave Atmospheric-Retrieval Code). MARSCHALS measured vertical distributions of temperature, water vapour, ozone and nitric acid in the altitude range from 10 to 20 km in presence of clouds that obscure measurements in the middle infrared spectroscopic region. The minimum altitude at which the retrieval has been possible is determined by the high water concentration typical of the tropical region rather than the extensive cloud coverage experienced during the flight. Water has been measured from 10 km to flight altitude (about 18 km) with a 10% accuracy, ozone from 14 km to flight altitude with accuracy ranging from 10% to 60%, while the retrieval of nitric acid has been possible with an accuracy
not better than 40% only from 16 km to flight altitude due to the low signal to noise ratio of its emission in the analysed spectral region. The results have been validated using measurement made in a less cloudy region by MIPAS-STR, an infrared limb-viewing instrument on board the M-55, during the same flight.














Gruppo: Remote Sensing of the Stratosphere
Via P. Gobetti, 101
40129 Bologna
Tel.+39 051 6398002
Luca Magnani