Meteorological parameters

Starting date: 1-1-1996
Status: Running
Instrumentation and calibration: The basic meteorological data (temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure) are measured above the ICI-OV terrace. Moreover an integrated weather station is mounted at a 5m mast above the highest building of the near Italian Air Force Observatory. Here also wind measurements are carried out at 3m and 5m high above the roof.
Project affiliation (s) Present: SHARE, CEOP-HE Past: VOTALP, STACCATO, MINATROC, OZOMONT
Related research programmes

  • Tropospheric background condition
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Aerosol properties
  • Long-range transport
  • Saharan dust transport
  • Stratospheric intrusions
  • Polluted air-masses

Why is this research important? Sampling meteorological parameters at the ICO-OV is a fundamental activity for the analysis of other parameters such as trace gases and aerosols. For instance, also basing on the evaluation of relative humidity data a specific index (SI2) has been developed to identify stratospheric intrusion events at the measurement site (see the Bibliography). Analysis of air-temperature data are useful to detect summer heatwaves and local wind intensity and direction are used to identify transport of polluted air-masses from the near Po basin.
Quick look

Time-series of temperature (red), atmospheric pressure (blue) and relative humidity (green) at ICO-OV (daily mean values).

Where can I find the data? By direct request to: p.cristofanelli [at]
Organization (s): ISAC-CNR Via Gobetti 101, I-40129, Bologna
Contact persons: Dr. Paolo Cristofanelli e-mail: p.cristofanelli [at] phone: +39 051 6399597